Monday, April 26, 2010

Just want to write this

For people who expect fun and enjoyable story, please leave right now. I really need to say what's on my mind right now

Yes, I'm a bad person, probably all those bad things you said about me were true

Guess now you realize that I'm not perfect don't you?

Do I really deserve to be loved by many people around me? Hey, I'm a human being. An ordinary human being. Please don't expect me to be able to do everything perfectly.

I haven't cried for a relatively long time, guess I would in several hours or so.

I hope I won't hurt anyone anymore, but it's impossible

I don't know. I just hate myself for making you like this.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Kakak : Aduh itu orang masak jorok banget ya. (nonton T**** TV)

Adek : Iya, mendingan juga bara deh. Eh kalo Silver Queen mulainya jam berapa?

Didengar sang kakak yang ingin membuka kulkas dan mencari barangkali ada Farah Quinn yang tersisa

*inspired by nguping jakarta

Monday, April 12, 2010


Mau nulis tapi gatau mau nulis apa.

Tadinya mau ngepost lirik lagu tapi males ah gajadi ntar tambah heboh orang2.


Yang idup siapa sih.

Oh sekalian konfirmasi deh.

Gosipnya gak bener kok.

And for my bestfriends,

Do you really think I wouldn't tell you if it really happens?

Oh puhlease.

Ah lagunya pas lagi.

Say it once, say it twice, say it anyway you like it.

Yaya terserah kalian, saya terlalu malas untuk menanggapi.

Just let me live my life happily, will you?